The CodeList class¶
A CodeList
is a list of allowed values
(i.e. codes) and attributes (optional).
In the nomenclature
package, the codelists are parsed from yaml files.
They contain lists of allowed values for some or all dimensions of the IAMC format
(i.e., model, scenario, region, variable).
The name of a codelist and the scenario data dimension to which it will be applied is determined by the name of the folder. For example, if a codelist is located in a folder called variable it will be used for validation of the “variable” dimension of a scenario data file.
See the format for a generic codelist below; the dimensions variable and region have a special structure and format.
The generic codelist format¶
In the most simple case, a codelist consists of a list of strings or mappings, e.g.:
- allowed_value_a
- allowed_value_b:
description: A description of allowed_value_b
- ...
The yaml file must be formatted as a list (i.e. entries start with a dash ‘-‘).
Entries can either be a string (e.g. ‘allowed_value_a’) or a nested dictionary (see the example of ‘allowed_value_b’).
When instantiating a
with dimensions other than ‘region’ and ‘variable’, a list of dimensions must be provided explicitly.
The “tag” feature¶
To avoid repetition and subsequent errors, any number of yaml files can be used as
“tags” using a list of mappings. There must be only one top-level entry in any yaml file
to be used as tag. The files defining the tags must be named like tag_*.yaml
- Tag:
- Some Key:
description: a short description of the key
When importing a tagged codelist, any code containing {Tag}
in its name will
be replaced by the name of the corresponding tag. In addition any code attributes
containing {Tag}
will also be replaced. If the corresponding tag contains the attribute, this will be used for substitution, otherwise the tag name is used.
To illustrate, consider the following variable:
- Variable|{Tag}:
description: The description contains {Tag}
weight: {Tag}
which will be translated to:
- Variable|Some Key:
description: The description contains a short description of the key
weight: Some Key
Since the tag contains a description attribute with value a short description of the key this is substituted in the description of the variable.
In contrast, the variable contains the attribute weight which features {Tag}
which is not present in the tag. In this case the tag name Some Key is used.