Source code for nomenclature.processor.region

import logging
from collections import Counter
from pathlib import Path
from typing_extensions import Annotated

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyam
import yaml
from pyam import IamDataFrame
from pyam.logging import adjust_log_level
from pydantic import (
from pydantic.types import DirectoryPath, FilePath
from pydantic_core import PydanticCustomError

from nomenclature.codelist import RegionCodeList, VariableCodeList
from nomenclature.definition import DataStructureDefinition
from nomenclature.error import custom_pydantic_errors, ErrorCollector, log_error
from nomenclature.processor import Processor
from nomenclature.processor.utils import get_relative_path

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

here = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()

class NativeRegion(BaseModel):
    """Define a model native region.

    Can optionally have a renaming attribute which is applied in the region processing.

    name : str
        Name of the model native region.
    rename: str, optional
        Optional second name that the region will be renamed to.

    name: str
    rename: str | None = None

    def target_native_region(self) -> str:
        """Return the resulting name, i.e. either rename or, if not given, name.

            Resulting name.
        return self.rename if self.rename is not None else

class CommonRegion(BaseModel):
    """Common region used for model intercomparison.

    name : str
        Name of the common region.
        List of strings which refer to the original (not renamed, see
        :class:`NativeRegion`) names of model native regions.

    name: str
    constituent_regions: list[str]

    def is_single_constituent_region(self):
        return len(self.constituent_regions) == 1

    def rename_dict(self):
        if self.is_single_constituent_region:
            return {self.constituent_regions[0]:}
        raise AttributeError(
            "rename_dict is only available for single constituent regions"

class RegionAggregationMapping(BaseModel):
    """Hold information for region processing on a per-model basis.

    Region processing is comprised of native region selection and potentially renaming
    as well as aggregation to "common regions" (regions used for reporting and
    comparison by multiple models).

    model: str
        Name of the model for which RegionAggregationMapping is defined.
    file: FilePath
        File path of the mapping file. Saved mostly for error reporting purposes.
    native_regions: list[NativeRegion], optional
        Optionally, list of model native regions to select and potentially rename.
    common_regions: list[CommonRegion], optional
        Optionally, list of common regions where aggregation will be performed.

    model: list[str]
    file: FilePath
    native_regions: list[NativeRegion] | None = None
    common_regions: list[CommonRegion] | None = None
    exclude_regions: list[str] | None = None

    def check_no_additional_attributes(cls, v):
        if illegal_additional_attributes := [
            for input_attribute in v.keys()
            if input_attribute not in cls.model_fields
            raise ValueError(
                "Illegal attributes in 'RegionAggregationMapping': "
                f"{illegal_additional_attributes} (file {v['file']})"
        return v

    @field_validator("model", mode="before")
    def convert_to_list(cls, v):
        return pyam.utils.to_list(v)

    def validate_native_regions_name(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo):
        native_names = [ for nr in v]
        if duplicates := [
            item for item, count in Counter(native_names).items() if count > 1
            # Raise a RegionNameCollisionError with parameters duplicates and file.
            raise PydanticCustomError(
                    "location": "native regions (names)",
                    "duplicates": duplicates,
        return v

    def validate_native_regions_target(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo):
        target_names = [nr.target_native_region for nr in v]
        duplicates = [
            item for item, count in Counter(target_names).items() if count > 1
        if duplicates:
            # Raise a RegionNameCollisionError with parameters duplicates and file.
            raise PydanticCustomError(
                    "location": "native regions (rename-targets)",
                    "duplicates": duplicates,
        return v

    def validate_common_regions(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo):
        names = [ for cr in v]
        duplicates = [item for item, count in Counter(names).items() if count > 1]
        if duplicates:
            raise PydanticCustomError(
                    "location": "common regions",
                    "duplicates": duplicates,
        return v

    def check_native_or_common_regions(
        cls, v: "RegionAggregationMapping"
    ) -> "RegionAggregationMapping":
        # Check that we have at least one of the two: native and common regions
        if v.native_regions is None and v.common_regions is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "At least one of 'native_regions' and 'common_regions' must be "
                f"provided in {v.file}"
        return v

    def check_illegal_renaming(
        cls, v: "RegionAggregationMapping"
    ) -> "RegionAggregationMapping":
        """Check if any renaming overlaps with common regions"""
        # Skip if only either native-regions or common-regions are specified
        if v.native_regions is None or v.common_regions is None:
            return v
        native_region_names = {nr.target_native_region for nr in v.native_regions}
        common_region_names = { for cr in v.common_regions}
        overlap = list(native_region_names & common_region_names)
        if overlap:
            raise PydanticCustomError(
                    "location": "native and common regions",
                    "duplicates": overlap,
                    "file": v.file,
        return v

    def check_exclude_native_region_overlap(
        cls, v: "RegionAggregationMapping"
    ) -> "RegionAggregationMapping":
        return _check_exclude_region_overlap(v, "native_regions")

    def check_exclude_common_region_overlap(
        cls, v: "RegionAggregationMapping"
    ) -> "RegionAggregationMapping":
        return _check_exclude_region_overlap(v, "common_regions")

    def from_file(cls, file: Path | str):
        """Initialize a RegionAggregationMapping from a file.

        file : Path | str
            Path to a yaml file which contains region aggregation information for one

            The resulting region aggregation mapping.


        This function is used to convert a model mapping yaml file into a dictionary
        which is used to initialize a RegionAggregationMapping.

        file = Path(file) if isinstance(file, str) else file
        FILE_PARSERS = {
            ".yaml": cls.from_yaml,
            ".yml": cls.from_yaml,
            ".xlsx": cls.from_excel,
        if file.suffix in FILE_PARSERS:
            return FILE_PARSERS[file.suffix](file)
        raise ValueError(f"No parser implemented for {file.suffix}")

    def from_yaml(cls, file: Path) -> "RegionAggregationMapping":
            with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                mapping_input = yaml.safe_load(f)

            # Add the file name to mapping_input
            mapping_input["file"] = get_relative_path(file)

            # Reformat the "native_regions"
            if "native_regions" in mapping_input:
                native_region_list: list[dict] = []
                for native_region in mapping_input["native_regions"]:
                    if isinstance(native_region, str):
                        native_region_list.append({"name": native_region})
                    elif isinstance(native_region, dict):
                                "name": list(native_region)[0],
                                "rename": list(native_region.values())[0],
                mapping_input["native_regions"] = native_region_list

            # Reformat the "common_regions"
            if "common_regions" in mapping_input:
                common_region_list: list[dict[str, list[dict[str, str]]]] = []
                for common_region in mapping_input["common_regions"]:
                    common_region_name = list(common_region)[0]
                            "name": common_region_name,
                            "constituent_regions": common_region[common_region_name],
                mapping_input["common_regions"] = common_region_list
        except Exception as error:
            raise ValueError(f"{error} in {get_relative_path(file)}") from error
        return cls(**mapping_input)

    def from_excel(cls, file) -> "RegionAggregationMapping":
            model = pd.read_excel(file, sheet_name="Model", usecols="B", nrows=1).iloc[
                0, 0

            regions = pd.read_excel(file, sheet_name="Common-Region-Mapping", header=3)
            regions = regions.drop(
                columns=(c for c in regions.columns if c.startswith("Unnamed: "))
            # replace nan with None
            regions = regions.where(pd.notnull(regions), None)
            native = "Native region (as reported by the model)"
            rename = "Native region (after renaming)"
            native_regions = [
                NativeRegion(name=row[native], rename=row[rename])
                for row in regions[[native, rename]].to_dict(orient="records")
            common_region_groups = [
                r for r in regions.columns if r not in (native, rename)
            common_regions = [
                for common_region_group in common_region_groups
                for common_region, constituent_regions in regions[
                    [native, common_region_group]
                .apply(lambda x: ",".join(x))
        except Exception as error:
            raise ValueError(f"{error} in {get_relative_path(file)}") from error
        return cls(

    def all_regions(self) -> list[str]:
        # For the native regions we take the **renamed** (if given) names
        nr_list = [x.target_native_region for x in self.native_regions or []]
        return nr_list + self.common_region_names

    def model_native_region_names(self) -> list[str]:
        # List of the **original** model native region names
        return [ for x in self.native_regions or []]

    def common_region_names(self) -> list[str]:
        # List of the common region names
        return [ for x in self.common_regions or []]

    def rename_mapping(self) -> dict[str, str]:
        return { r.target_native_region for r in self.native_regions or []}

    def upload_native_regions(self) -> list[str]:
        return [
            for native_region in self.native_regions or []

    def reverse_rename_mapping(self) -> dict[str, str]:
        return {renamed: original for original, renamed in self.rename_mapping.items()}

    def check_unexpected_regions(self, df: IamDataFrame) -> None:
        # Raise error if a region in the input data is not used in the model mapping

        if regions_not_found := set(df.region) - set(
            + self.common_region_names
            + [
                for comm_reg in self.common_regions or []
                for const_reg in comm_reg.constituent_regions
            + (self.exclude_regions or [])
            raise ValueError(
                f"Did not find region(s) {regions_not_found} in 'native_regions', "
                "'common_regions' or 'exclude_regions' in model mapping for "
                f"{self.model} in {self.file}. If they are not meant to be included "
                "in the results add to the 'exclude_regions' section in the model "
                "mapping to silence this error."

    def __eq__(self, other: "RegionAggregationMapping") -> bool:
        return self.model_dump(exclude={"file"}) == other.model_dump(exclude={"file"})

    def to_yaml(self, file) -> None:
        dict_representation = {
            "model": self.model[0] if len(self.model) == 1 else self.model
        if self.native_regions:
            dict_representation["native_regions"] = [
                    { native_region.rename}
                    if native_region.rename
                for native_region in self.native_regions
        if self.common_regions:
            dict_representation["common_regions"] = [
                { common_region.constituent_regions}
                for common_region in self.common_regions
        if self.exclude_regions:
            dict_representation["exclude_regions"] = self.exclude_regions
        with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            yaml.dump(dict_representation, f, sort_keys=False)

def validate_with_definition(v: RegionAggregationMapping, info: ValidationInfo):
    """Check if mappings valid with respect to RegionCodeList."""
    if invalid :=["region_codelist"].validate_items(v.all_regions):
        raise PydanticCustomError(
            {"regions": invalid, "file": v.file},
    return v

[docs] class RegionProcessor(Processor): """Region aggregation mappings for scenario processing""" region_codelist: RegionCodeList variable_codelist: VariableCodeList mappings: dict[ str, Annotated[RegionAggregationMapping, AfterValidator(validate_with_definition)], ] model_config = ConfigDict(hide_input_in_errors=True)
[docs] @classmethod @validate_call(config={"arbitrary_types_allowed": True}) def from_directory(cls, path: DirectoryPath, dsd: DataStructureDefinition): """Initialize a RegionProcessor from a directory of model-aggregation mappings. Parameters ---------- path : DirectoryPath Directory which holds all the mappings. dsd : DataStructureDefinition Instance of DataStructureDefinition used for validation of mappings and region aggregation. Returns ------- RegionProcessor The resulting region processor object. Raises ------ ValueError Raised in case there are multiple mappings defined for the same model or there is an issue with region the RegionAggregationMapping AttributeError Raised if the provided DataStructureDefinition does not contain the dimensions ``region`` and ``variable``. """ mapping_dict: dict[str, RegionAggregationMapping] = {} errors = ErrorCollector() mapping_files = [f for f in path.glob("**/*") if f.suffix in {".yaml", ".yml"}] for repository in dsd.config.mappings.repositories: mapping_files.extend( f for f in ( dsd.config.repositories[].local_path / "mappings" ).glob("**/*") if f.suffix in {".yaml", ".yml"} ) for file in mapping_files: try: mapping = RegionAggregationMapping.from_file(file) for model in mapping.model: if model not in mapping_dict: mapping_dict[model] = mapping else: errors.append( ValueError( "Multiple region aggregation mappings for " f"model {model} in [{mapping.file}, " f"{mapping_dict[model].file}]" ) ) except ValueError as error: errors.append(error) if errors: raise ValueError(errors) if missing_dims := [ dim for dim in ("region", "variable") if not hasattr(dsd, dim) ]: raise AttributeError( "Provided DataStructureDefinition is missing the following " f"attributes: {missing_dims}" ) return cls( mappings=mapping_dict, region_codelist=dsd.region, variable_codelist=dsd.variable, )
[docs] def apply(self, df: IamDataFrame) -> IamDataFrame: """Apply region processing Parameters ---------- df : IamDataFrame Input data that the region processing is applied to Returns ------- IamDataFrame: Processed data Raises ------ ValueError * If *df* contains regions that are not listed in the model mapping, or * If the region-processing results in an empty **IamDataFrame**. """ processed_dfs: list[IamDataFrame] = [] for model in df.model: model_df = df.filter(model=model) # if no mapping is defined the data frame is returned unchanged if model not in self.mappings: f"Skipping region aggregation for model '{model}' (no region processing mapping)" ) processed_dfs.append(model_df) # otherwise we first rename, then aggregate else: file = self.mappings[model].file f"Applying region-processing for model '{model}' from '{file}'" ) processed_dfs.append(self._apply_region_processing(model_df)[0]) res = pyam.concat(processed_dfs) if not_defined_regions := self.region_codelist.validate_items(res.region): log_error("region", not_defined_regions) raise ValueError("The validation failed. Please check the log for details.") return res
[docs] def check_region_aggregation( self, df: IamDataFrame, rtol_difference: float = 0.01 ) -> tuple[IamDataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """Return region aggregation results and differences between aggregated and model native data Parameters ---------- df : IamDataFrame Input data rtol_difference : float, optional limit on the relative tolerance for differences, by default 0.01 Returns ------- tuple[IamDataFrame, pd.DataFrame] IamDataFrame containing aggregation results and pandas dataframe containing the differences """ region_processing_results = [ self._apply_region_processing( df.filter(model=model), rtol_difference=rtol_difference, return_aggregation_difference=True, ) for model in set(df.model) & set(self.mappings) ] return pyam.concat(res[0] for res in region_processing_results), pd.concat( res[1] for res in region_processing_results )
def _apply_region_processing( self, model_df: IamDataFrame, return_aggregation_difference: bool = False, rtol_difference: float = 0.01, ) -> tuple[IamDataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """Apply the region processing for a single model""" if len(model_df.model) != 1: raise ValueError( f"Must be called for a unique model, found: {model_df.model}" ) model = model_df.model[0] # check for regions not mentioned in the model mapping self.mappings[model].check_unexpected_regions(model_df) _processed_data: list[pd.Series] = [] # silence pyam's empty filter warnings with adjust_log_level(logger="pyam", level="ERROR"): # rename native regions if self.mappings[model].native_regions is not None: _df = model_df.filter( region=self.mappings[model].model_native_region_names ) if not _df.empty: _processed_data.append( _df.rename(region=self.mappings[model].rename_mapping)._data ) # aggregate common regions if self.mappings[model].common_regions is not None: for common_region in self.mappings[model].common_regions: # if a common region is consists of a single native region, rename if common_region.is_single_constituent_region: _df = model_df.filter( region=common_region.constituent_regions[0] ).rename(region=common_region.rename_dict) if not _df.empty: _processed_data.append(_df._data) continue # if there are multiple constituent regions, aggregate regions = [, common_region.constituent_regions] # first, perform 'simple' aggregation (no arguments) simple_vars = [ var for var in self.variable_codelist.vars_default_args( model_df.variable ) ] _df = model_df.aggregate_region( simple_vars, *regions, ) if _df is not None and not _df.empty: _processed_data.append(_df._data) # second, special weighted aggregation for var in self.variable_codelist.vars_kwargs(model_df.variable): if var.region_aggregation is None: _df = _aggregate_region( model_df,, *regions, **var.pyam_agg_kwargs, ) if _df is not None and not _df.empty: _processed_data.append(_df._data) else: for rename_var in var.region_aggregation: for _rename, _kwargs in rename_var.items(): _df = _aggregate_region( model_df,, *regions, **_kwargs, ) if _df is not None and not _df.empty: _processed_data.append( _df.rename( variable={ _rename} )._data ) common_region_df = model_df.filter( region=self.mappings[model].common_region_names, variable=self.variable_codelist, ) # concatenate and merge with data provided at common-region level difference = pd.DataFrame() if _processed_data: _data = pd.concat(_processed_data) if not common_region_df.empty: _data, difference = _compare_and_merge( common_region_df._data, _data, rtol_difference, return_aggregation_difference, ) # if data exists only at the common-region level elif not common_region_df.empty: _data = common_region_df._data # raise an error if region-processing yields an empty result else: raise ValueError( f"Region-processing for model '{model}' returned an empty dataset" ) # cast processed timeseries data and meta indicators to IamDataFrame return IamDataFrame(_data, meta=model_df.meta), difference def revert(self, df: pyam.IamDataFrame) -> pyam.IamDataFrame: model_dfs = [] for model in df.model: model_df = df.filter(model=model) if mapping := self.mappings.get(model): # remove common regions, then apply inverse-renaming of native-regions model_df = model_df.filter( region=mapping.common_region_names, keep=False ).rename(region=mapping.reverse_rename_mapping) model_dfs.append(model_df) return pyam.concat(model_dfs)
def _aggregate_region(df, var, *regions, **kwargs): """Perform region aggregation with kwargs catching inconsistent-index errors""" try: return df.aggregate_region(var, *regions, **kwargs) except ValueError as error: if str(error).startswith("Missing weights for the following data"): f"Could not aggregate '{var}' for region '{regions[0]}' ({kwargs})" ) else: raise error def _compare_and_merge( original: pd.Series, aggregated: pd.Series, rtol: float = 0.01, return_aggregation_difference: bool = False, ) -> tuple[IamDataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """Compare and merge original and aggregated results""" # compare processed (aggregated) data and data provided at the common-region level compare = pd.merge( left=original.rename(index="original"), right=aggregated.rename(index="aggregated"), how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True, ) # drop rows that are not in conflict compare = compare.dropna() difference = compare[ ~np.isclose(compare["original"], compare["aggregated"], rtol=rtol) ] difference.insert( len(difference.columns), "difference (%)", 100 * np.abs( (difference["original"] - difference["aggregated"]) / difference["original"] ), ) difference = difference.sort_values("difference (%)", ascending=False) if difference is not None and len(difference): with pd.option_context("display.max_columns", None): logger.warning( f"Difference between original and aggregated data:\n{difference}" ) if not return_aggregation_difference: "Please refer to the user guide of the nomenclature package: " "" "/model-mapping.html#computing-differences-between-original-and" "-aggregated-data for obtaining the differences as " "dataframe or file." ) # merge aggregated data onto original common-region data index = aggregated.index.difference(original.index) return pd.concat([original, aggregated[index]]), difference def _check_exclude_region_overlap( region_aggregation_mapping: RegionAggregationMapping, region_type: str ) -> RegionAggregationMapping: if ( region_aggregation_mapping.exclude_regions is None or getattr(region_aggregation_mapping, region_type) is None ): return region_aggregation_mapping if overlap := set(region_aggregation_mapping.exclude_regions) & { for r in getattr(region_aggregation_mapping, region_type) }: raise PydanticCustomError( *custom_pydantic_errors.ExcludeRegionOverlapError, { "region": overlap, "region_type": region_type, "file": region_aggregation_mapping.file, }, ) return region_aggregation_mapping