Source code for nomenclature.definition

import logging
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd
import git
from pyam import IamDataFrame
from pyam.index import replace_index_labels
from pyam.logging import adjust_log_level
from pyam.utils import write_sheet

from nomenclature.codelist import (
from nomenclature.config import NomenclatureConfig
from nomenclature.validation import validate

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    "variable": VariableCodeList,
    "region": RegionCodeList,
    "meta": MetaCodeList,

[docs] class DataStructureDefinition: """Definition of datastructure codelists for dimensions used in the IAMC format""" def __init__(self, path, dimensions=None): """ Parameters ---------- path : str or path-like The folder with the project definitions. dimensions : list of str, optional List of :meth:`CodeList` names. Each CodeList is initialized from a sub-folder of `path` of that name. """ if not isinstance(path, Path): path = Path(path) self.project_folder = path.parent if (file := self.project_folder / "nomenclature.yaml").exists(): self.config = NomenclatureConfig.from_file(file=file) else: self.config = NomenclatureConfig() try: self.repo = git.Repo(self.project_folder) except git.InvalidGitRepositoryError: self.repo = None if not path.is_dir() and not ( self.config.repositories or ): raise NotADirectoryError(f"Definitions directory not found: {path}") self.dimensions = dimensions or ["region", "variable"] for dim in self.dimensions: codelist_cls = SPECIAL_CODELIST.get(dim, CodeList) self.__setattr__( dim, codelist_cls.from_directory(dim, path / dim, self.config) ) if empty := [d for d in self.dimensions if not getattr(self, d)]: raise ValueError(f"Empty codelist: {', '.join(empty)}")
[docs] def validate(self, df: IamDataFrame, dimensions: list = None) -> None: """Validate that the coordinates of `df` are defined in the codelists Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pyam.IamDataFrame` Scenario data to be validated against the codelists of this instance. dimensions : list of str, optional Dimensions to perform validation (defaults to all dimensions of self) Returns ------- None Raises ------ ValueError If `df` fails validation against any codelist. """ validate(self, df, dimensions=dimensions or self.dimensions)
[docs] def check_aggregate(self, df: IamDataFrame, **kwargs) -> None: """Check for consistency of scenario data along the variable hierarchy Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pyam.IamDataFrame` Scenario data to be checked for consistency along the variable hierarchy. kwargs : Tolerance arguments for comparison of values Passed to :any:`numpy.isclose` via :any:`pyam.IamDataFrame.check_aggregate`. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or None Data where a variable and its computed aggregate does not match. Raises ------ ValueError If the :any:`DataStructureDefinition` does not have a *variable* dimension. """ if "variable" not in self.dimensions: raise ValueError("Aggregation check requires 'variable' dimension.") lst = [] with adjust_log_level(level="WARNING"): for code in df.variable: attr = self.variable.mapping[code] if attr.check_aggregate: components = attr.components # check if multiple lists of components are given for a code if isinstance(components, dict): for name, _components in components.items(): error = df.check_aggregate(code, _components, **kwargs) if error is not None: error.dropna(inplace=True) # append components-name to variable column error.index = replace_index_labels( error.index, "variable", [f"{code} [{name}]"] ) lst.append(error) # else use components provided as single list or pyam-default (None) else: error = df.check_aggregate(code, components, **kwargs) if error is not None: lst.append(error.dropna()) if lst: # there may be empty dataframes due to `dropna()` above error = pd.concat(lst) return error if not error.empty else None
[docs] def to_excel(self, excel_writer, **kwargs): """Write the codelists to an xlsx spreadsheet Parameters ---------- excel_writer : str or :class:`pathlib.Path` File path as string or :class:`pathlib.Path`. **kwargs Passed to :class:`pandas.ExcelWriter` """ if "engine" not in kwargs: kwargs["engine"] = "xlsxwriter" with pd.ExcelWriter(excel_writer, **kwargs) as writer: # create dataframe with attributes of the DataStructureDefinition project = self.project_folder.absolute().parts[-1] arg_dict = { "project": project, "file_created": time_format(, "": "", } if self.repo is not None: arg_dict.update(git_attributes(project, self.repo)) ret = make_dataframe(arg_dict) for key, value in self.config.repositories.items(): ret = pd.concat( [ ret, make_dataframe(git_attributes(key, git.Repo(value.local_path))), ] ) write_sheet(writer, "project", ret) # write codelist for each dimensions to own sheet for dim in self.dimensions: getattr(self, dim).to_excel(writer, dim, sort_by_code=True)
def time_format(x): return x.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") def git_attributes(name, repo): if repo.is_dirty(): raise ValueError(f"Repository '{name}' is dirty") return { f"{name}.url": repo.remote().url, f"{name}.commit_hash": repo.commit(), f"{name}.commit_timestamp": time_format(repo.commit().committed_datetime), } def make_dataframe(data): return ( pd.DataFrame.from_dict( data, orient="index", columns=["value"], ) .reset_index() .rename(columns={"index": "attribute"}) )