.. _region: The *region* codelist ===================== Each region **must** be part of a hierarchy, which means that the following nested list structure is required: .. code:: yaml - Hierarchy 1: - Region 1: description: Some short explanation iso3_codes: [ABC, DEF, ...] - Region 2: description: Some short explanation iso3_codes: GHI - Hierarchy 2: - ... Regions can have attributes, for example a description or ISO3-codes. If the attribute `iso3_codes` is provided, the item(s) are validated against a list of valid codes taken from the `pycountry `_ package. Common regions -------------- In model-comparison projects, it is useful to define *common regions* that can be computed consistently from original model results. Widely used examples are the R5, R9 and R10 regions, see here_. .. _here: https://github.com/IAMconsortium/common-definitions/blob/main/definitions/region/common.yaml Naming conventions for native model regions ------------------------------------------- In contrast to common regions used for comparison or scenario analysis across models, each model has a "native region" resolution. Models with a coarse spatial resolution should add a model-specific identifier to the native model regions (e.g., `MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM 1.1|North America`) to avoid confusion when comparing results to other models with similar-but-different regions. .. code:: yaml - Model A v1.0: - Model A v1.0|Region 1: description: Some short explanation The renaming from (short) region-names as reported by a modelling framework to such more verbose region names for use in model-comparison projects can be implemented by the :ref:`model_mapping`. If a model has a country-level resolution where disambiguation is not a concern, we recommend to *not add* a model identifier.